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Here's a script you can use to call your friends

Feel free to personalize it as you see fit.


Hi [Name], I've got a quick but important ask for you. I'm involved in a great initiative by Red States Blue, a project of the Orange County Democratic Party in North Carolina.


Red States Blue is working hard to get out the vote in North Carolina, a crucial swing state. We're focusing on raising funds to hire more paid student recruiters on campuses like University of North Carolina to register students to vote and then follow up with those students shortly before election day to encourage them to actually get to the polls.


We're asking folks in Deep Blue states, who aren't empowered to change the outcome of the election in their own state, to do two things:

  • Donate: Please contribute whatever you can to support our efforts in getting out the vote. Every dollar will help us fund get-out-the-vote efforts on campuses in North Carolina.
  • Spread the Word: Commit to make calls just like this one to five of your friends and ask them to do the same – donate and recruit five more friends. This chain of support can exponentially increase our impact.


Here's why this effort is so critical:

  • There's just a ton of uninspired voters! While undecided voters are hard to find, uninspired voters are everywhere.
  • Kamala Harris has certainly inserted new enthusiasm among Democratic voters, but we still need to engage with voters who are least likely to actually get out and vote.
  • Joe Biden lost North Carolina to Donald Trump in 2020 by only 73,000 votes. That is only 1.4% of votes cast. Get-out-the-vote campaigns can make all the difference.


Your support can make a real difference in ensuring we have a strong turnout. Will you join us in this effort? Here's the link to donate and for more information.

Thank you so much for your time and support, [Name]. Can you let me know when you've made contact with five additional contacts and their email addresses?

RED STATES BLUE: Current version: 0.6.1