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We are a group of volunteers residing in deep blue states and in North Carolina who want to help defeat MAGA and save democracy, restore women's rights and protect the rule of law!

We have chosen to focus on North Carolina in the 2024 presidential election because MAGA won the state in 2020 by less than 75,000 votes. If we flip NC from red to blue, we will put an additional 32 votes in the Harris column—Biden only won in 2020 by 73 electoral votes nationwide, so flipping NC is a big deal.

We are raising funds for the Orange County Democrats to help them hire paid student organizers and fund critical get-out-the-vote infrastructure in more rural, less organized Democratic county organizations. All donations on our “donate” page are directly deposited in the general fund of the Orange County Democrats.

Who We Are

Currently, our committee includes the following leaders:


Joe is a business executive in Seattle, Washington, who has doorbelled in Indiana for Obama and South Carolina for Bernie Sanders. He was an Obama delegate to the Washington State Democratic Convention and ran for Mayor of Seattle in 2009, losing by just over 1%. He has extensive marketing and consumer data analytics experience


Cassie is a senior government affairs consultant for a major non-profit consulting and training firm based in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. She is Chair of the Orange County Democratic Party and President of the North Carolina County Chairs Association. She recently was elected to be a North Carolina delegate to the 2024 Democratic National Convention.


Joe is a former Obama White House appointee and congressional aide -- currently serving as Vice President of Business Development and Policy for a climate tech company onshoring clean manufacturing and creating additional American jobs. With 10 years in Washington DC, and another 6 in climate innovation, Joe is eager to see a return to decency and bipartisan compromise that typifies the best of American ingenuity. Joe lives with his wife and two young children in Orange County, North Carolina.

Social Media Specialist from Massachusetts

Erin is a communications leader, currently working for a climate tech company addressing a major source of global industrial emissions. She has lived her entire life in deep blue New England and has previously volunteered through text banking and letter writing initiatives to turn out the vote. She is passionate about preserving and expanding our democracy and building a future where her children and others have more rights than she did, not less. She lives in the greater Boston area with her husband, two kids, and dog.


Mark is an IT consultant in Seattle, Washington with over 20 years of IT development experience, having managed software development teams across the United States, Europe and Asia. Mark will lead in developing our website, voter data analysis and voter outreach systems.

RED STATES BLUE: Current version: 0.6.1